We’re changing the check-in and check-out times and we explain why but first, the new times!
New Check In time is: 1PM
New Check Out time is: 11AM
What used to be
We followed what the hotel standard times where guests in those properties would check in at 2PM and check out 12noon. We did it out of, well, necessity. We don’t know any better.
The ‘Pattern’
We noticed a pattern from our guests who either check in early or would check in earlier than usual too. It seems like nobody in this hostel reservations are following the standard so we studied it.
We realize that guests would like to check out earlier so they could proceed to their next destinations earlier or even to catch the right lunch hour. Only a small percentage would follow the 12nn check out. On the other hand, we saw big percentage of travelers who would take lunch as well and come back afterwards only to check out late — which will not serve the best interest of our staff and the next people planning to check in on the same spaces.
Those checking in too would be arrive much earlier and wait out for the 2PM mark and seeing their tired bodies out in the common area is an agony. Bottom line: no one follows it too.
So the only practical solution is, is to allow each guest to enjoy the meanings of those times and so checking out earlier would solve the question of each guest wanting to check out so they can have their lunch at the most appropriate time — before 12NN. At the same token, those who plan to check in can do so at a much earlier time.
We hope our guests will enjoy the benefits and practicality of these new time slots because these are not blindly thought out, in fact it was made with our guests in mind because they’re always in Crossroads Hostel Manila’s thoughts!